This neighbourhood concept offers the District of Ucluelet a uniqueopportunity to realize a compact and complete residential node with an appropriate mix of
attainable housing forms.
Project Overview
MacDonald Gray Consultants had been retained by the property owners to provide planning services in support of a Zoning Amendment to ‘the land’ described as Lot 16 within the District of Ucluelet, British Columbia.
The property owners and our project team worked collaboratively with District Staff and local area residents to expand upon the community‘s vision as expressed in the Official Community Plan.

Project Scope
This community vision was integrated into our natural systems based design process, which is a collaborative approach to site planning. Environmental, physical and architectural considerations were woven together to create a Land Use Concept.
Project Specifications
A Land Use Concept ‘proof of concept’ was generated for due diligence. The plan had everything we felt for which there was a need in Ucluelet, with some adaptive planning frameworks applied.

Project Results
MacDonald Gray was pleased to deliver another successfully completed project; on-time and on-budget to our client’s satisfaction. We’re looking forward to delivering the same efficiency, clear communication, and outstanding planning for your next ambitious goal.