This operationally responsive fire station complements the local
aesthetic and establishes a unique gateway into Parksville’s downtown commercial core.



This station’s “green building” focus, incorporates integrated stormwater source controls (previous paving, infiltration swales and rain gardens) for filtering of surface drainage run-off; a xeriscape™ planting scheme minimizing the use of water for planting areas; and implements recycled building products into the site furnishings.


A rain garden is much more than a ditch with plants in it. Rain gardens are essential components of integrated stormwater management systems (ISMP’s); essentially a part of the overall storm sewer system. There are complex underground components associated with rain gardens that allow them to function very differently than a typical roadside ditch.

More on Rain gardens:

A rain garden, such as the one created for the Parksville Fire Hall, needs to have a purpose. Typical applications include the filtration and storage of stormwater run-off (detention) and recharge of groundwater (infiltration) from impervious surfaces.

Project Results

MacDonald Gray was pleased to deliver another successfully completed project; on-time and on-budget to our client’s satisfaction. We’re looking forward to delivering the same efficiency, clear communication, and outstanding planning for your next ambitious goal.
